Have you ever wanted to include
some form of styling, either conditional or nonconditional, when going
from a (R)markdown input document to a html output document? If so, this
package may be worthwhile to you. The highlightHTML
inject CSS into the output HTML document automatically via CSS ids and
classes (more information on CSS ids and classes: http://www.cssbasics.com/css-ids/ and http://www.cssbasics.com/css-classes/).
The examples below start by showing the syntax in somewhat trivial examples initially. This is done to help show the markdown syntax a bit more simply. Toward the end of the document, a more typical workflow going from Rmd to HTML is shown that puts all the pieces together.
Suppose you have a summary table like the following (note: this table was created by typing manually, a more typical workflow is shown later using R directly):
Color Name | Number |
Red | 25 |
Blue | 40 |
Green | 4 |
Orange | 87 |
You could then add styling by adding the following tags to the table, again this was added by hand, but a conditional example with R is shown later.
Color Name | Number |
Red | 25 #bgred |
Blue | 40 #bgblue |
Green | 4 |
Orange | 87 |
The addition of the #bgblue and #bgred indicates which cells will be changed. After turning the markdown document into an html file, this package can now be used to post-process the html file. The post-processing will add an id value for each cell with the #bgblue or #bgred and remove those from the table.
The function to use for the post-processing is
and requires three arguments, the input
file, the output file, and the CSS tags themselves. This will look
something like the following using an example file from the package:
file <- system.file('examples', 'bgtable.html',
package = 'highlightHTML')
tags <- c("#bgred {background-color: #FF0000;}",
"#bgblue {background-color: #0000FF;}")
highlight_html(input = file,
output = tempfile(fileext = ".html"),
tags = tags,
browse = TRUE,
print = FALSE,
render = FALSE)
In the above highlight_html
function call, the output
file is saved to a temporary file. The update_css
will inject the tags into the html document within any style tags that
are found within the document. The browse
argument will
open the resulting post-processed file in the default browser to be
viewed directly. Finally, the print
argument if TRUE, will
print the html output to the R console. This may be useful for
verification of potential errors in the post-processing. The
argument is set to FALSE here (TRUE is the default)
as the input file was already an HTML file.
Styling text is also simple in a markdown document. Braces
are used to identify text that should be styled A CSS id
tag is then added to link this to the CSS styling
For example, perhaps there is {#colgold some text}
turn gold. In the previous example, the text “some text” would be
processed to be styled using the CSS id #colgold.
Another example file can be run with the following commands to show more text styling examples:
file <- system.file('examples', 'bgtext.html', package = 'highlightHTML')
# Change background color and text color with CSS
tags <- c("#bgblack {background-color: black; color: white;}",
"#bgblue {background-color: #0000FF; color: white;}",
"#colgreen {color: green;}")
# Post-process HTML file
highlight_html(input = file, output = tempfile(fileext = ".html"),
tags = tags, browse = TRUE, render = FALSE)
The same argument calls are valid as discussed above when post-processing tables.
A more typical workflow for the highlightHTML package is to go from
an (R)markdown document and compile it directly with the
function to create the output HTML file.
Another benefit of this workflow, is the ability to use the
function. This function allows the
injection of CSS ids into summary tables created within R using
conditional expressions. More on this function in the simple example
Below is a simple example of an Rmd document that combines both
elements, text markup and inserting CSS ids dynamically into a summary
table using R code and the table_id_inject
function. The
summary table below is calculating the mean and standard deviation of
the chick weights by different feed types. You can imagine creating a
similar table in reports that you create.
title: "Rmd to HTML"
author: "Brandon LeBeau"
date: "January 13, 2017"
output: html_document
## Simple Markup
The `highlightHTML` packages allows for {#bggrey simple markup} to add styling to text and tables. Using the `rmarkdown` package and the `table_id_inject` function allows users to easily add markup to Rmd documents and render directly to HTML.
```{r symm, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis', message = FALSE}
chickwts %>%
group_by(feed) %>%
summarise(avg_weight = mean(weight),
sd_weight = sd(weight)) %>%
mutate(feed = as.character(feed)) %>%
table_id_inject(id = c('#bggrey', '#bgblack', '#bglightred', '#textblue'),
conditions = c('> 270', '> 300', '> 60', '== "horsebean"'),
variable = list('avg_weight', 'avg_weight', 'sd_weight', 'feed'),
num_digits = 3) %>%
knitr::kable(format = 'markdown')
The resulting summary table would look like the following in markdown:
feed | avg_weight | sd_weight |
casein | 323.583 #bgblack | 64.434 #bglightred |
horsebean #textblue | 160.2 | 38.626 |
linseed | 218.75 | 52.236 |
meatmeal | 276.909 #bggrey | 64.901 #bglightred |
soybean | 246.429 | 54.129 |
sunflower | 328.917 #bgblack | 48.836 |
It is worth discussing the table_id_inject
function in
more detail here. The function takes two required arguments,
and conditionals
and two optional
arguments, variable
and num_digits
. The two
required arguments are a vector of CSS ids (e.g. #bggrey) and a vector
of conditional expressions that are evaluated to identify the location
to insert the CSS id. These two arguments must be the same length and
the CSS id and conditional expression are matched by location. That is,
the first element of each argument are matched, the second element of
each, and so on. The optional argument, variable
, specifies
which column(s) of the data to evaluate the conditional expression on.
By default this argument is empty meaning that all columns are
evaluated. If a CSS id is specific to a specific column(s), this
argument specified as a list can be included. Finally, the optional
argument is used to round the numeric columns.
See round
for more details.
Finally, the Rmd file itself can be passed to the
function which will automatically compile
the input file into an HTML output file. The highlight_html
function takes three main arguments, the path to the input Rmd file (can
also be a markdown or HTML file), the path to save the output HTML file,
and the CSS styling to be used for the styling Below is the example of
processing the simple example shown above.
file <- system.file('examples', 'joss.Rmd', package = 'highlightHTML')
tags <- c('#bgblack {background-color: black; color: white;}',
'#bggrey {background-color: #d3d3d3;}',
'#bglightred {background-color: #FF6666;}',
'#textblue {color: blue}')
highlight_html(input = file, output = tempfile(fileext = ".html"),
tags = tags, browse = TRUE,
render = TRUE)
The results HTML output file now looks like the following:
Finally, the highlight_html
function has an optional
argument called browse
. This argument is a TRUE/FALSE flag,
which defaults to TRUE, to indicate whether the HTML output file should
be opened in the default browser upon successful compilation. This can
be a good way to view the file to ensure the desired styling was