simglm 1.0.0
- Change default behavior for factor simulations, order of levels are maintained now instead of alphabetical order which is the default in R.
simglm 0.7.2 (2019-01-23)
- Small maintenance fix for incoming 0.8 dplyr.
simglm 0.7.1 (2018-07-25)
- Release for new tidy simulation framework
- New vignettes showing this functionality
simglm 0.6.3
- Add piecewise linear simulation.
simglm 0.6.2
- Add cross classified model simulation
- Add option to specify any model to fit for power analysis
- This brought about a change to use broom::tidy.
simglm 0.6.1
- Generalize fact_vars code
- This now is similar to cov_param
simglm 0.6.0 (2017-07-24)
- Shiny Application works again!
- Can now simulate and run power.
- Able to download simulation and power tables (I think).
simglm 0.5.3
- Fixed basic functionality of Shiny application
- This includes simulation and power
- Needs more testing at this stage.
simglm 0.5.2
- Addition of count outcome from sim_glm.
- This added an additional argument that must be specified:
- outcome_type = 'logistic' = 0/1 dichotomous simulation
- outcome_type = 'poisson' = count outcomes.
simglm 0.5.1
- Bug fix for sim_glm when using fact_vars generation options.
simglm 0.5.0 (2017-05-25)
- Heterogeneity of variance simulation
- Flexible time specification for longitudinal models
- Change 'lvl' to 'level' throughout package
- Flexible specification of unbalanced simulation
- Misspecification of model for power analysis
- Expand power output.
simglm 0.4.0
- Update to add ability to simulate covariates from any R distribution function
- Old code will no longer work with this new version.
- Added new opts argument to cov_param for optional distribution arguments.
- Adjusted vignettes to follow new code
- Adjusted unit tests.
- Added documentation for changes, including in vignettes.
simglm 0.3.4
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.