simglm - Simulate Models Based on the Generalized Linear Model
Simulates regression models, including both simple regression and generalized linear mixed models with up to three level of nesting. Power simulations that are flexible allowing the specification of missing data, unbalanced designs, and different random error distributions are built into the package.
Last updated 10 months ago
7.87 score 43 stars 87 scripts 386 downloadspdfsearch - Search Tools for PDF Files
Includes functions for keyword search of pdf files. There is also a wrapper that includes searching of all files within a single directory.
Last updated 3 years ago
5.85 score 40 stars 35 scripts 305 downloadshighlightHTML - Highlight HTML Text and Tables
A tool to format R markdown with CSS ids for HTML output. The tool may be most helpful for those using markdown to create reproducible documents. The biggest limitations in formatting is the knowledge of CSS by the document authors.
Last updated 4 years ago
4.74 score 5 stars 22 scripts 183 downloads